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سه‌ردێر Batteries
Description Students can explain the potential for electron flow based on the preponderance of electrons in the materials (electrodes) that are placed in close proximity and separated by a conducting medium. Provides a basis to define the cathode and anode.
Subject فیزیا
ئاست High School
Type تاقیگه‌
Duration 30 خوله‌ک
Answers Included نا
زوان English
Keywords Batteries, electric potential, electron, electron hole, voltage
شێوه‌کاریه‌کان Battery Voltage

نووسه‌ران Roberto Marrero
قوتابخانه‌/ ڕێکخراو Brentwood High School, Williamson Co, TN
ناردراو 1/18/10
به‌ڕۆژ بوه‌ 1/18/10