Forces and Motion: Tug O' War A gold star indicates high-quality, inquiry-based activities that follow the PhET design guidelines.

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Título Forces and Motion: Tug O' War
Descrición This is a guided activity that allows students to understand the forces acting on an object and it's motion. It shows the student step by step how to interact with the lab, "Forces and Motion: Basics" while asking them questions based on the simulation.
Tema Física
Nivel 11, Secundaria obrigatoria
Tipo Laboratorio
Respostas incluidas Si
Linguaxe English
Palabras clave equilibrium, forces, motion
Simulacións Forzase movemento: Inicial

Autores Patrice Edwards
Centro Escolar / Institución College of Coastal Georgia
Presentado 10/10/23
Actualizado 10/12/23