Ohm's Law and Resistance Virtual Lab

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Título Ohm's Law and Resistance Virtual Lab
Descrición A virtual lab designed to see how Ohm's law can be used to identify the relationship between voltage, current, and resistance. This virtual lab also takes a look at the resistance and how it relates to length, area, and resistivity.
Tema Física, Outro, Química
Nivel Bacharelato, Graduado, Universitario - Avanzado, Universitario - Inicio
Tipo Deberes, Demostración, Guided Activity, Laboratorio, Outro, Remote Learning
Duración 90 minutos
Respostas incluidas Non
Linguaxe English
Palabras clave Ohm's Law, Resistance
Simulacións Lei de Ohm (HTML5), Lei de Ohm, Resistencia nun fío (HTML5), Resistencia nun fío

Autores Patrice Edwards
Centro Escolar / Institución College of Coastal Georgia
Presentado 2/17/21
Actualizado 9/22/23