Video: Self-paced Investigation on Fluid Pressure

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Título Video: Self-paced Investigation on Fluid Pressure
Descrición The activity is completely self-paced. Ask the students to follow the instruction on the worksheet and then check the answers by watching the video below. YouTube video:
Tema Física
Nivel Bacharelato, Secundaria obrigatoria
Tipo Deberes, Guided Activity, Laboratorio, Remote Learning
Duración 60 minutos
Respostas incluidas Si
Linguaxe English
Palabras clave Youtube, explanation, fluid, pressure, self-paced, student centre, video, walkthrough
Simulacións Baixo presión (HTML5)

Autores Louis Wong
Centro Escolar / Institución Po Leung Kuk Choi Kai Yau School
Presentado 1/7/21
Actualizado 1/7/21