Energy Skate Park Basics Energy Exploration

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Título Energy Skate Park Basics Energy Exploration
Descrición In this activity, students will investigate the relationships among kinetic, potential, thermal, and total energy. They will see how these energies are used and change through measuring a simulated skateboarder on a half-pipe. Then, they will analyze what happens to the energy levels of the skater when friction is an added factor. Lastly, students will apply what they learned to design a "loop de loop" for the skater and explain their design decisions.
Tema Física
Nivel Secundaria obrigatoria
Tipo Laboratorio
Duración 60 minutos
Respostas incluidas Non
Linguaxe English
Palabras clave conservation, energy, friction
Simulacións Enerxía Parque Patinaxe: inicio

Autores Jessica Colonel
Centro Escolar / Institución Hunter College
Presentado 3/21/13
Actualizado 3/21/13