Intro to Circuits

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Título Intro to Circuits
Descrición I used this activity as an introduction to circuits. You would need to show the students how to configure a series and parallel circuit (I'm no good at drawing in my documents). I wanted the kids to get a sense of what is happening inside a circuit as you alter various aspects of a circuit. I provide direction on what to alter (to keep it organized) but the questions are qualitative in nature. I used to do this with batteries and light bulbs but I am hoping the kids get a better sense of what is going on using this method instead. There are two extensions attached but I would not suggest them for the entire class the first day the kids are exposed to circuits. They are more for those students who zip through the activity and need direction while others are still working. This activity should take about one hour.
Tema Física
Nivel Bacharelato
Tipo Laboratorio
Duración 30 minutos
Respostas incluidas Non
Linguaxe English
Palabras clave Circuits, Electricity
Simulacións Construción Circuito (DC)

Autores Patricia Martinez
Centro Escolar / Institución Greeley Central High
Presentado 5/10/07
Actualizado 11/14/08