Forces and Motion: Finding the Mass of a Car Une étoile d'or indique, les activités de haute qualité fondées sur la recherche qui suivent les directives de conception PhET.

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Titre Forces and Motion: Finding the Mass of a Car
Description This activity is designed to engage students in a hands-on, real-world physics challenge, where they will work collaboratively in small groups to determine the mass of their teacher's car using 1D kinematics and Newton's second law. The lesson is meant to span two class periods, with the first period dedicated to introducing the task, planning, and simulation modeling using a PhET simulation. The second period will be allocated for data collection, analysis, and the presentation of results.
Sujet Physique
Niveau Lycée, Premier cycle - Intro
Type Labo
Durée 90 minutes
Réponses incluses Non
Langue Anglais
Mots clés forces, kinematics, motion, newtons laws
Simulation(s) Forces et mouvement : les bases (HTML5), Les forces et le mouvement : pour débuter.

Auteur(s) Matthew Blackman
Ecole / Organisation PhET
Date de soumission 01/08/23
Date de mise à jour 01/08/23