Balloons and Static Electricity for Middle School Une étoile d'or indique, les activités de haute qualité fondées sur la recherche qui suivent les directives de conception PhET.

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Titre Balloons and Static Electricity for Middle School
Description This was written by the PhET team as a guided-inquiry activity. Learning Objectives: •Students will be able to determine the variables that affect how positive and negative objects interact. •Students will be able to predict how positive and negative objects will interact.
Sujet Chimie, Physique, Science de la Terre
Niveau Collège
Type Démonstration, Labo
Réponses incluses Non
Langue Anglais
Mots clés charge, electricity, force, inquiry, phet, static
Simulation(s) Ballons et Electricité statique (HTML5), Ballons et Electricité statique

Auteur(s) PhET Middle School Team
Ecole / Organisation PhET University of Colorado Boulder
Date de soumission 02/08/11
Date de mise à jour 26/05/15