Exploring Static Electricity

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Titre Exploring Static Electricity
Description This activity is designed to be done as a homework assignment. It is a very basic introduction to charging by friction, polarization, and the attraction and repulsion between charged objects and particles. Within the activity there are 6 multiple choice questions that are designed to be concept questions. Prior to assigning the activity the students should be asked these questions. If they are put on an overhead and the students are asked to vote on responses you can get a good idea of what they already know about the topic. Assign the activity and after completing the activity the students should be able to answer all 6 concept questions correctly.
Sujet Physique
Niveau Lycée
Type Devoirs
Durée 30 minutes
Réponses incluses Non
Langue Anglais
Mots clés Atomic Structure, Periodic Table
Simulation(s) Ballons et Electricité statique, Travolt ... aahh

Auteur(s) Katherine Frett
Ecole / Organisation Green Mountain High School
Date de soumission 15/01/07
Date de mise à jour 15/01/07