Addition strategies within 10 (or 20) Urrezko izar batek kalitate handiko eta kontsultan oinarritutako jarduerak adierazten ditu PhET diseinuaren jarraibideak jarraitzen dituztenak.

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Izenburua Addition strategies within 10 (or 20)
Deskribapena This lesson emphasizes explicit representations of addition expressions and solutions. The sim allows for students to solve using Ten Frames, free objects, or a linear representation that can function like a number line. These tools can support various direct modeling and counting strategies. This lesson focuses on the use of the Lab screen specifically because it does not provide immediate feedback regarding the total number of objects. (If feedback is desired, a class could use the Ten screen instead.)
Gaia Matematika
Maila K-5 (10 urte)
Mota Gidatutako jarduera
Iraupena 30 minutes
Erantzunak barne Ez
Hizkuntza Ingelesa
Gako-hitzak add, addition, compose, decompose
Simulazioa(k) Zenbaki jolasa (HTML5)

Autorea(k) Ian Whitacre, Dom Carorora, Azar Kamaldar
Eskola / Erakundea Florida State University
Bidaltze-data 9/11/23
Eguneratze-data 10/14/23