Ripple While You Work

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Izenburua Ripple While You Work
Deskribapena I traditionally used a version of this observation-based lab with ripple tanks; however, this proved too time-consuming for the objective. Students were able to perform the activity with little support from me and could probably be used for homework. The PhET Sound simulation makes a great follow-up demonstration.
Gaia Fisika
Maila High School (BH)
Mota Etxerako lanak, Lab
Iraupena 60 minutes
Erantzunak barne Ez
Hizkuntza Ingelesa
Gako-hitzak diffraction, interference, reflection, wave, waves
Simulazioa(k) Uhin-interferentzia

Autorea(k) David Moutoux
Eskola / Erakundea Jefferson County School District, Bear Creek High School
Bidaltze-data 5/5/08
Eguneratze-data 5/5/08