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Título Spinometer
Descripción This demonstration illustrates the AC Stark, Stern-Gerlach, and Quantum Zeno effects as they are manifested during continuous interferometric measurement of a two-state quantum system (qubit). A simple yet realistic model of the interferometric measurement process is presented, and solved to all orders of perturbation theory in the absence of thermal noise. The student can change the axes of measurement and see the effects that would appear on an oscilloscope in a real experiment. These outputs range from a telegraph signal with extreme measurement through the ergodic wandering across the Hilbert Space to a synoptic tuning in-between.
Asignatura Física
Nivel Universitaria- Avanzada
Tipo Demostración
Duración 30 minutos
Respuestas incluidas No
Idioma Inglés
Palabras clave magnetic, mechanics, nuclear, quantum, resonance
Simulacion(es) Experimento de Stern-Gerlach

Autor(es) Doug Mounce
Colegio / Organización University of Washington
Enviado 29/10/09
Actualizado 29/10/09