Wave Investigation

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Titel Wave Investigation
Beschreibung Students explore ways to describe waves using the terms frequency, amplitude, and wavelength. Students design short experiments to find the effect of frequency, and amplitude on wavelength. Students use the terms frequency, amplitude, and wavelength to describe a time they have experienced waves in real life.
Thema Physik
Niveau Sekundarstufe I
Typ Praktikum
Dauer 60 Minuten
Antwort enthalten Nein
Sprache Englisch
Stichworte amplitude, exploring, frequency, wavelength, waves
Simulation(en) Seilwelle (HTML5), Seilwelle

Autoren Chuck Faber
Schule / Organisation Pine Hollow Middle School
Eingereicht am 21.02.16
Aktualisiert am 21.02.16