Mixing paint with ratios

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Tittel Mixing paint with ratios
Beskrivelse This is an argumentation lesson that follows the 4-part model of argumentation described in "Mathematical Argumentation in Middle School-The What, Why, and How: A Step-by-Step Guide With Activities, Games, and Lesson Planning Tools."
Emne Matematik
Niveau Mellemskole
Type Diskussionsprompter
Varighed 60 minutter
Svar inkluderet Nej
Sprog Engelsk
Nøgleord argumentation, equivalent ratios, ratios
Simuleringer Proportions-legeplads (HTML5)

Forfattere Jennifer Knudsen, Teresa Lara-Meloy, Amanda McGarry
Skole / organisation PhET
Dato for tilmelding 29-08-18
Dato for opdatering 17-02-20