Equivalent Expression Exploration A gold star indicates high-quality, inquiry-based activities that follow the PhET design guidelines.

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Název Equivalent Expression Exploration
Popis In this activity, students work through a series of activities that reinforce parts of an expression (coefficient, variable, term) and then build on that knowledge to create and define equivalent expressions. The final activity has students discover and define the simplest form of an equation and develop a procedure for finding the simplest form of an expression.
Předmět Matematika
Úroveň Základní škola II. st.
Typ Propojená aktivita
Trvání 60 minuty
Včetně odpovědi Ne
Jazyk English
Klíčová slova Coefficient, Equivalent Expressions, Like Terms, Simplest Form, Simplify Expressions
Simulace Úprava výrazů (HTML5)

Autor(ři) Kimberly Struck
Škola / Organizace Peak to Peak Charter School
Datum vložení 6.6.18
Datum aktualizace 6.6.18