Exploring Electric Charges

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Název Exploring Electric Charges
Popis This activity is designed to walk students through an exploration to with the objectives of: - Understand what types of charges are exchanged in electrostatic interactions. - Explain the process of polarization - Describe the build up of excess charge, and the release of those charges by the process of grounding. - Understand the attraction and repulsion relationships between fundamental charges
Předmět Fyzika
Úroveň Střední škola, Základní škola II. st.
Typ Lab, Propojená aktivita
Trvání 60 minuty
Včetně odpovědi Ne
Jazyk English
Klíčová slova attract, charge, ground, polarization, repel
Simulace Balonek a statická elektřina (HTML5), Elektrický Hokej, Džon Travoltáž (HTML5)

Autor(ři) Matt Simkins
Škola / Organizace Pennridge High School
Datum vložení 16.3.17
Datum aktualizace 18.10.18