Gas Laws, Quantitative, Gay-Lussac's law
- Gay-Lussac-arm.pdf - 725 kB
Název | Gas Laws, Quantitative, Gay-Lussac's law |
Popis | A methodological guide for virtual lab activities on Gay-Lussac's law. In Armenian educational environment this is a new type of learning material. Virtual lab work can provides ample opportunities to observe the physical phenomenon in detail and step-by-step, make measurements and plot graphs. The methodological guide is based on Gas Properties PhET sim translated by the author of current contribution |
Předmět | Fyzika |
Úroveň | Střední škola |
Typ | Lab |
Trvání | 30 minuty |
Včetně odpovědi | Ne |
Jazyk | Armenian |
Klíčová slova | Gay-Lussac, gas parameters, lab |
Simulace | Vlastnosti plynu |
Autor(ři) | Gagik Demirjian |
Škola / Organizace | Gyumri State Pedagogical Institute |
Datum vložení | 23.12.13 |
Datum aktualizace | 23.12.13 |