Reactions and Rates College version for tab 3- kinetics (Inquiry Based) A gold star indicates high-quality, inquiry-based activities that follow the PhET design guidelines.

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Název Reactions and Rates College version for tab 3- kinetics (Inquiry Based)
Popis The lesson called was derived from an activity by Linda Koch used at CU in an upper division chemistry course. It is good for how concentration and temperature affect rate. It could be used to reinforce the traditional clock reaction experiment or as a replacement. I will not be using it in my first year course.
Předmět Chemie
Úroveň Vysokoškolák - pokročilý
Typ Lab
Včetně odpovědi Ne
Jazyk English
Klíčová slova chemistry, kinetics, phet activity, rate constant, reaction coordinate
Simulace Reakce a ceny

Autor(ři) Trish Loeblein
Škola / Organizace PhET
Datum vložení 5.8.07
Datum aktualizace 7.7.13