Population Ecology: Predator/Prey Relationships

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Titre Population Ecology: Predator/Prey Relationships
Description This lesson uses the simulator to demonstrate scenarios related to population increase/decrease based on selectable limiting factors and environment. This can be used in an ecology unit, even before students learn about natural selection and mutations.
Sujet Biologie, Science de la Terre
Niveau Cm2, Collège, Lycée
Type Activité guidée, Apprentissage à distance, Démonstration, Labo
Durée 60 minutes
Réponses incluses Non
Langue Anglais
Mots clés Population, abiotic, biotic, carrying capacity, community, ecology, ecosystem, environment, limiting factors, overpopulation, population density, predation, predator, prey
Simulation(s) Sélection naturelle (HTML5), Sélection naturelle

Auteur(s) Katie Reninger
Ecole / Organisation Brevard Public Schools
Date de soumission 07/12/21
Date de mise à jour 07/12/21