Population Ecology: Predator/Prey Relationships

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主題 Population Ecology: Predator/Prey Relationships
說明 This lesson uses the simulator to demonstrate scenarios related to population increase/decrease based on selectable limiting factors and environment. This can be used in an ecology unit, even before students learn about natural selection and mutations.
科目 地球科學, 生物
程度 K-5, 中學, 高中
類型 實驗室, 展示, 指引活動, 遠端學習
時間 60 分鐘
語言 英語
關鍵字 Population, abiotic, biotic, carrying capacity, community, ecology, ecosystem, environment, limiting factors, overpopulation, population density, predation, predator, prey
模擬教學 Natural Selection_天擇 (HTML5), Natrual Selection 天擇

作者 Katie Reninger
學校 / 機構 Brevard Public Schools
提交日期 2021/12/7
更新日期 2021/12/7