Quantitative Representation of Natural Selection

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Título Quantitative Representation of Natural Selection
Descripción Worksheet lists steps for students to follow. They will manipulate environmental factors through various generations and collect population numbers for each generation. They will then record the data they collected from hovering over simulation graph with the data probe. Steps for a graph are listed in order to direct to completing a line graph where they will interpret using guided discussion questions at the end of the worksheet.
Asignatura Biología
Nivel Educación media, Educación secundaria
Tipo Actividad guiada, Aprendizaje en línea, Demostración, Discusión, Lab, Tarea
Respuestas incluidas No
Idioma Inglés
Palabras clave Natural Selection
Simulacion(es) Selección Natural (HTML5), Selección Natural

Autor(es) Edwin Luna
Colegio / Organización San Miguel School D.C.
Enviado 19/04/21
Actualizado 19/04/21