Quantitative Representation of Natural Selection

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主題 Quantitative Representation of Natural Selection
說明 Worksheet lists steps for students to follow. They will manipulate environmental factors through various generations and collect population numbers for each generation. They will then record the data they collected from hovering over simulation graph with the data probe. Steps for a graph are listed in order to direct to completing a line graph where they will interpret using guided discussion questions at the end of the worksheet.
科目 生物
程度 中學, 高中
類型 作業, 實驗室, 展示, 指引活動, 討論提示, 遠端學習
語言 英語
關鍵字 Natural Selection
模擬教學 Natural Selection_天擇 (HTML5), Natrual Selection 天擇

作者 Edwin Luna
學校 / 機構 San Miguel School D.C.
提交日期 2021/4/19
更新日期 2021/4/19