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主題 Geometric figures
說明 Geometric Figures is an activity to bring elementary and high school students closer to the world of shapes through the study of the characteristics of the sides (parallel or not parallel) and angles of figures. Predict the shape and name by manipulating the sides, vertices or angles of known shapes. Find similarities and differences between shapes and their possible characteristics.
科目 數學
程度 中學, 高中
類型 作業, 多選觀念題, 指引活動, 討論提示, 遠端學習
時間 120 分鐘
語言 英語
關鍵字 figures, geometry, geometry, parallel, quadrilaterals, sides, triangles
模擬教學 Quadrilateral_四邊形 (HTML5)

作者 Leyda Carolina Moreno Granados y Jesus Eduardo Villamizar Rincon
學校 / 機構 Liceo Nacional Andres Bello
提交日期 2023/6/26
更新日期 2023/6/29