Equivalent Fractions

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主題 Equivalent Fractions
說明 This lesson is intended for grades 4 and 5. As students in grade 4 are just beginning to create equivalent fractions they can use it as extra practice or an extension activity for early finishers. Students in 5th grade can use it as an in class activity to strengthen their skills as well as practice creating models and viewing fractions in different models. Students can also practice with this sim more than once, trying to become better every time.
科目 數學
程度 K-5
類型 作業, 實驗室, 展示, 指引活動, 討論提示
時間 60 分鐘
語言 英語
關鍵字 Fraction, equal, equivalent, fraction models, math
模擬教學 Fractions: Equality_分數的介紹:等式 (HTML5)

作者 Sherene Irvine
學校 / 機構 PS 133 Brooklyn
提交日期 2019/3/31
更新日期 2019/3/31