Energy Skate Park Lab (html5) 金星表示遵循 PhET 設計指引,高品質的活動。

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主題 Energy Skate Park Lab (html5)
說明 This is the introduction lab I use for the energy unit in my conceptual physics class. This is a mixed class of 9-12 graders that is designed for almost anyone to learn physics. It focuses on developing models of physics concepts and applying those with a little math. In particular, this lab is designed to give students a better feel for energy transfer, energy pie charts, and dissipated (heat and sound) energy. I like to start the unit by doing a demo with an energy popper. I discuss with the students where the energy is being stored before it pops, as it flies upward and once it gets to the top of its path. This reminds them of kinetic and potential energy and brings in air resistance and heat as well. Then I like to split them into groups and have them work on one of three energy problems (roller coaster, ball bouncing and a spring problem). Each group is to decide where the energy is stored at 4 snapshots and to visually represent that. The groups then quickly present their ideas. Now that the students have thought about the different storage places for energy and how to represent them they are ready for the skate park lab. After the lab we discuss friction and thermal energy, how the simulation represent energy, and what they think they simulation/lab was trying to teach them about energy. After that the students are ready to do the pie chart energy worksheet that I use from the modeling physics curriculum. I've used the old skate park lab simulation for many years and this year switched to the new one and rewrote the lab. I'm sure I'll improve it as time goes by:)
科目 物理
程度 高中
類型 實驗室
時間 60 分鐘
語言 英語
關鍵字 energy
模擬教學 能量滑板競技場:基礎

作者 Chris Stoker
學校 / 機構 Mountain View High School
提交日期 2014/12/15
更新日期 2015/1/27