Balloons and Static Electricity for Middle School 金星表示遵循 PhET 設計指引,高品質的活動。

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主題 Balloons and Static Electricity for Middle School
說明 This was written by the PhET team as a guided-inquiry activity. Learning Objectives: •Students will be able to determine the variables that affect how positive and negative objects interact. •Students will be able to predict how positive and negative objects will interact.
科目 化學, 地球科學, 物理
程度 中學
類型 實驗室, 展示
語言 英語
關鍵字 charge, electricity, force, inquiry, phet, static
模擬教學 Balloons and Static Electricity_氣球和靜電引力 (HTML5), 氣球和靜電引力

作者 PhET Middle School Team
學校 / 機構 PhET University of Colorado Boulder
提交日期 2011/8/2
更新日期 2015/5/26