Energy Analysis of a Mass Oscillating on a Spring

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主題 Energy Analysis of a Mass Oscillating on a Spring
說明 Learning Goals Using a mass oscillating on a spring, students will be able to explain the distribution and transfer of different types of energy: kinetic, elastic potential, gravitational potential, and thermal. Students will also be able to explain the Conservation of Mechanical Energy concept using kinetic, elastic potential, and gravitational potential energy of a mass oscillating on a spring. Students will study what happens when there is also thermal energy of a mass oscillating on a spring.
科目 物理
程度 高中
類型 實驗室
時間 120 分鐘
語言 英語
關鍵字 mass
模擬教學 Masses & Springs 質量與彈簧

作者 Jessica Mullins
學校 / 機構 Conifer High School
提交日期 2007/3/23
更新日期 2007/9/18