Investigation of sugar and salt solutions 一颗金星 象征着 是通过PhET设计指南所设计出来的高质量的探究活动。

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标题 Investigation of sugar and salt solutions
描述 The conductivity and concentration of aqueous solutions are first investigated macroscopically, and then at the sub-microscopic particle level, for strong and non-electrolytes. The naming of ionic compounds and molecular compounds is included in the activity
科目 化学
等级 本科生 - 低年级, 高中
类型 指导活动
持续时间 30 分钟
语言 英语
关键词 Conductivity, concentration, dissolution, ionic compounds, molecular commpounds
仿真程序 糖和盐溶液

作者 Ted Clark
学校/组织 The Ohio State University
提交日期 23-6-20
更新日期 23-6-20