Projectile Motion
- Projectile Motion.docx - 46 kB
标题 | Projectile Motion |
描述 | It helps school and university students to calculate the movement of projectiles (speed, distance, angles, altitude, etc.) through this simulator, which is highly helpful to facilitate the study of physics, which is a problem for some students because it is a subject that contains lessons that need effort and methods that make it easier for the student to enjoy physics |
科目 | 物理学 |
等级 | 本科生 - 低年级, 本科生 - 高年级, 高中 |
类型 | 实验室 |
是否包含答案 | 否 |
语言 | 英语 |
关键词 | speed motion |
仿真程序 | 抛体运动 |
作者 | Othman Fahmi Othman Ali |
学校/组织 | UOS |
提交日期 | 20-10-12 |
更新日期 | 20-10-12 |