Position function of mass on spring

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标题 Position function of mass on spring
描述 The main intent of the question is to get the students to connect the abstract functional representation of simple harmonic motion with the actual behaviour of masses on springs. Its pedagogical value is probably improved if other questions on the assignment explicitly require the students to use the concepts explored in this question, but in more abstract manners.
科目 数学, 物理学
等级 本科生 - 低年级, 高中
类型 实验室, 家庭作业
语言 英语
关键词 energy, oscillations, position function
仿真程序 重物和弹簧

作者 Geoffrey Lee-Dadswell
学校/组织 Cape Breton University
提交日期 08-3-7
更新日期 08-3-7