Direct Instructions for PhET Balancing Equations

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Título Direct Instructions for PhET Balancing Equations
Descrição Leads students directly through the simulation so they have a target and don't just play with the numbers. Bottom page is the answers, repeated for handouts. I try not to put these solutions online at first, because they're so easy to copy. I give out these little answer slips to kids who have been actually trying and are done.
Assunto Química
Nível Ensino Secundário
Tipo Guided Activity, Remote Learning, Trabalho para Casa
Duração 60 minutos
Respostas Incluídas Sim
Idioma English
Palavras Chave Balancing, Equations, Reactions
Simulações Acerto de Equações Químicas (HTML5)

Autores Dave Swaney
Escola / Organização Silver Valley USD
Submetido 31-08-2022
Atualizado 31-08-2022