231 pasujących rezultatów wyszukiwania electric current
- Balony i pole elektrostatyczne (HTML5)
- Balony i statyczne pole elektryczne
- Czworokąty (HTML5)
- Doświadczenie Rutherforda (HTML5)
- Efekt fotoelektryczny
- Electric Field of Dreams
- Elektromagnetyczne laboratorium Pana Faradya
- Elektryczny hokej - zapożyczony z pracy Ruth Chabay
- Fale radiowe
- Fale - wstęp (HTML5)
- Generator (HTML5)
- Interferencja fal (HTML5)
- John Trawoltaż (HTML5)
- Jasio Woltuś
- Kondensatory Lab
- Kondensatory Lab: podstawy (HTML5)
- Laboratorium elektromagnetyczne Faradaya (HTML5)
- Ładunki i pola (HTML5)
- Magnesy i elektromagnesy (HTML5)
- Mikrofale
- Obwody prądu przemiennego (HTML5)
- Obwody prądu przemiennego - wirtualne laboratorium (HTML5)
- Obwody prądu stałego - wirtualne laboratorium (HTML5)
- Obwód bateria-rezystor
- Obwód elektryczny
- Optyczna penseta i jej zastosowania
- Polaryzacja Cząsteczek (HTML5)
- Polaryzacja Cząsteczek
- Półprzewodniki
- Prawo Coulomba (HTML5)
- Prawo Ohma (HTML5)
- Promieniujący ładunek
- Rozpad alfa
- Obwody prądu stałego (HTML5)
- Electric Field Hockey Simulation Homework
- Circuit 1 Properties of Electric Circuits (Inquiry Based)
- The sense and nature of electric current
- Potential Difference in Circuits
- Discovering patterns of current and voltage in series and parallel circuits
- Charges and Fields Remote Lab Introduction to Static Electricity
- Static Magnetic and Electric unit (Inquiry Based)
- Electric Energy and Capacitance demonstrations (Inquiry Based)
- Exploring Electric Potential, Electric Field and Distance Relationships
- Introduction to Static Electricity using Electric Field Hockey and Charges and Fields (Inquiry Based)
- Electric Field Lab
- Electric Field Hockey Using Coulomb's Law
- Mapping Electric Fields
- An investigation into Building Electric Circuits (Inquiry Based)
- Electric Fields Simulation
- Electric Fields of Dreams for High School Exploratory Lab
- Induction (high school version) (Inquiry Based)
- Resistance in a Wire Remote Lab
- Electric Field Intro
- Ohm's Law Relationships
- Coulombinc Force Simulation
- Fields - NGSS Aligned
- Coulombic Force Simulation Observations
- Investigating Electromagnetism Applications
- Ohm's Law Remote Lab
- Induction (college homework version) (Inquiry Based)
- Electric Field Hocket
- Electric Field Hockey Lab
- Water Waves in an Electric Sink
- Electric Field Hockey Post Activity
- Exploring Current in a Parallel Circuit
- Lab: Electric Field and Potential
- Charges Activity with Various Simulations
- Electric Field Simulation Activity
- Introduction to Current and Kirchhoff's Junction Rule
- Current in DC Circuits
- Electric Field and Electric Field Lines
- Električni otpor i Ohmov zakon
- Lab: Electric Field & Electric Potential
- Introduction to Electric Fields Student Worksheet
- Measuring Current in a Series Circuit
- Electric Field Lab
- Determinine Electric Field Relationships
- Electric Field vs Electric Potential
- Parallel Circuit Electrical Relationships
- Coulomb Law Remote Lab
- Electric Switches (Signal)
- Mjerenje struje i napona
- UNIDAD2 S12 L1 Cargas eléctricas
- Batteries, Resistance and Current
- Intro to Photoelectric Effect Interactive Lecture
- Understanding the Photoelectric Effect
- Circuit Construction Kit- series of three activitites (Inquiry Based)
- Using PhET in Electricity Unit
- Electric field - patterns and strength
- Electric fields
- Electric Field PhET Lab
- Electric Field Hockey Post-Game Analysis
- PhET activity guide
- Electric Field Activity
- Electric Field Hockey
- Electric Field Hockey Homework
- Explore voltage, current and resistance in DC circuit
- Circuit connection (differences between the current readings and the voltage readings of circuit connected in series and parallel).
- Electric Fields
- Electric field, electric potential and Coulomb's law
- Drawing Electric Field Lines and Electric Field Intensities
- Visualizing Current, Voltage and Resistance
- Kirchhoff's Law
- Electric Field Lab
- Exploring electric charges
- Electrical Charge Lab
- Introduction to Current, Voltage, and Resistance
- Electric & Magnetic Fileds
- Lesson plan
- Charges & Fields PhET Lab
- Balloons and Static Electricity
- Exploring Electric Charges
- Electric Charge Basics
- Electrostatics Simulation lab
- Middle School - Electric Circuits
- Electrostatics Plotting
- MYP Physics: Electric Force vs. Distance
- De wetten van Kirchhoff
- Electric Field and Potential Lab
- Ohm's Law
- Circuit Inquiry Lab
- Series and Parallel Circuits
- Visualizing Resistance
- Ohm's Law
- coulomb's Law
- Ohm's Law
- DC Measuring Devices
- Ohm's Law
- Up and Down
- Kirchhoff's LAw
- Series Circuits Electrical Relationships
- Combination Circuits and Kirchoff's Laws
- Electromagnetic Induction
- Ph12 Lab 5F
- Quest for the Coulomb Cup
- Discovering Ohm's Law Inquiry Lab
- Electricity in the Home
- Discovering Series Circuits
- 'Lectronic Plates
- Relationship between electricity and magnetism
- Electric Fields & Point Charges
- Graphical Relationships in Electric Fields
- Investigating Electric Fields
- Guided Inquiry - Electric Fields
- Capacitor and Dielectric 2
- Investigating the relationship between field and potential around point charges
- Charges and Fields Lab
- Visualization and Visual Illusions SIM Homework
- Series, parallel circuits
- It is not a change... it is a crisis
- C.A.S.T.L.E. Unit 1 Labs
- What Affects Resistance
- D.C Circuit Simulation 1
- Ohm's Law
- Puissance electrique
- LAB การต่อแบตเตอรีและการประยุกต์ใช้งาน
- Battery-Resistor Circuit Simulation Homework
- Circuit Virtual Lab (Ohm's Law)
- การทดลองที่ 11 วงจรไฟฟ้ากระแสตรง
- Simple Circuits
- Basics of Electricity
- Introduction to Circuits Remote Lab
- Virtual Lab - Circuit Basics
- Electric Circuits Simulation: Building Models
- Ohm's Law with Series and Parallel Resistors
- Serie de actividades para Electrostática: de Electrización, Campos y Fuerzas
- A PhET-Based Laboratory Activity in Teaching Direct Current Circuits (Guided Inquiry with Formative Assessment)
- Circuit Lab 1 - Properties of Electric Circuits
- High School Exploratory Lab for Balloons and Static Electricity
- Coulomb's law
- Batteries
- Capacitors and Dielectrics
- Algebra-based Physics Semester one lessons, clicker questions, and schedule in pdf (Inquiry Based)
- Ohm's Law - HTML5 sim
- Circuit Creator
- Simple Series and Parallel Circuits Lab
- Student Guide for PhET - Ohm's Law in html5
- POGIL-style simulation analysis
- Exploring Ohms Law with DC Circuits
- I, V and R in circuits
- Charges and Fields Exploration
- Circuits 3 Day Unit
- Charge and Energy Conservation in Circuits Inquiry
- PhET Student Interactive Introduction on Capacitance & Dielectric Constants
- Circuits lab manual with experimental& theoretical value comparison
- Signal Circuit and DC Circuit Construction Kit Lab!
- Series & Parallel Circuits PhET Lab
- Electricity and Currents Phet Lab worksheet
- Understanding Circuits
- Virtual Circuit Lab
- Static Electricity Lab!
- Magnets, Electromagnets and Ohm's Law Lab!
- Gravity and Orbits Lesson
- Concept questions for Physics using PhET (Inquiry Based)
- How do PhET simulations fit in my middle school program?
- Electrical Potentials Lab
- Equipotential Surfaces Lab Activity
- Energy Forms and Changes
- Intro to Ohm's Law
- Travoltage Lab
- Exploring EM Forces
- States of Matter Modeling
- Series and Parallel Circuits
- Mapping of PhET and IBDP Physics
- Bose-Einstein Condensation Lesson
- Circuit Simulator I
- Simple series and parallel circuit comparison.
- MS and HS TEK to Sim Alignment
- Virtual lab: Circuit Analysis - Series and Parallel Circuits
- Circuit Construction Kit
- Circuit Builder: Parallel and Series Circuits
- Ohm's Law, Kirchhoff's Laws, Resistors in Parallel and Series Lab
- Guided Discovery: BMI, BMR, Calories in/out
- Ohm's Law and Resistance Virtual Lab
- Circuit Principles and Applications
- Lab: Capacitance
- Investigating Resistance in Circuits
- Behavior of Semiconducting Materials
- Alignment of PhET sims with NGSS
- Gas Laws, Quantitative, Charles' law
- Gas Laws, Quantitative, Boyle–Mariotte law
- Gas Laws, Quantitative, Gay-Lussac's law
- Climate Change - Gas
- Combined Series and Parallel Circuits
- Photoelectric, Light, and Quantum Worksheet
- Intro to Circuits
- SECUNDARIA: Alineación PhET con programas de la SEP México (2011 y 2017)
- PREPARATORIA: Alineación de PhET con programas de la DGB México (2017)
- PhET Simulations Aligned for AP Physics C
- Computer Simulations as a Tool to Assist Teaching Basics of Electromagnetism (Simulações Computacionais Como Ferramenta Auxiliar ao Ensino de Conceitos Básicos de Eletromagnetismo)