3 Activities for Kepler's Laws of Planetary Motion Złota gwiazdka oznacza wysokiej jakości działania oparte na dociekaniach, które są zgodne z wytycznymi projektowymi PhET.

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Tytuł 3 Activities for Kepler's Laws of Planetary Motion
Opis The Kepler's Laws PhET Sim allows the user to interact with a planetary orbit by changing the body's position and velocity, and seeing how its path updates accordingly. In the process, students get to recognize the implications of Kepler's Laws of Planetary Motion (described by the astronomer Johannes Kepler in the 17th century). Attached there are three activity sheets, one for each law. Inside each one there's a set of short exercises and inquiry based activities that the students can go through to identify: (i) geometric properties of elliptical orbits, (ii) behavior of the orbiting planet as well as swept areas, and (iii) the relationship between orbital shape and period. We advise to do these activities sequentially for a more thorough understanding of the three laws. There are also some excercises marked as "Advanced and Optional" which might require more time or previous knowledge for the student to go through.
Przedmiot Astronomia, Fizyka, Matematyka, Nauki o Ziemi
Poziom Gimnazjum, Inne, Licencjat - zaawansowany, Licencjat – wprowadzenie, Liceum, Magisterskie
Rodzaj Aktywność kierowana, Demonstracja, Laboratorium, Nauka zdalna, Podpowiedzi do dyskusji, Praca domowa
Zawiera odpowiedzi Nie
Język angielski
Słowa kluczowe astronomy, astrophysics, kepler, keplers laws, orbital mechanics, orbits, planet, space
Symulacja(e) Prawa Keplera (HTML5)

Autorzy Agustin Vallejo
Szkoła / Organizacja PhET
Data przesłania 23-11-29
Data zaktualizowana 24-02-06