The sense and nature of electric current

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Tytuł The sense and nature of electric current
Opis With respect to the use of the simulation, I started with open play to provoke interest and inquiry. I often circulated the classroom, solicited student ideas, helped students make their own discoveries, facilitated whole-class discussion, brought it all together, and made use of PhET simulation translations. My students fully explored the relevant features of the electric current flow through open play, began asking their peers questions inspired by the simulation, used the simulation to test their predictions and explanations, and discussed how their thinking was like or different from what they observed in the simulation. The simulation directly supports the achievement of the second learning goal, and indirectly the first one.
Przedmiot Fizyka
Poziom Liceum
Rodzaj Demonstracja, Laboratorium, Podpowiedzi do dyskusji
Czas trwania 60 minut
Zawiera odpowiedzi Nie
Język angielski
Słowa kluczowe the nature of an electric current, the sense of electric current
Symulacja(e) Obwody prądu stałego - wirtualne laboratorium (HTML5)

Autorzy Riadh Besbes
Szkoła / Organizacja Ministry of education
Data przesłania 23-11-12
Data zaktualizowana 23-11-12