Alignment of PhET sims with NGSS

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Tittel Alignment of PhET sims with NGSS
Omtale These documents illustrate how the PhET sims align with NGSS Performance Expectations. Performance Expectations generally cover significant required underlying content. If a PhET simulation can be used to support the learning neeed to meet part of a performance expectation, that was noted in the document. This document was generated by a working group of teachers and PhET K12 specialists in the summer of 2015.
Emne Biologi, Fysikk, Geofag, Kjemi
Nivå Ungdomsskule, Vidaregåande skule
Type Alignment
Inneheld svar Nei
Språk English
Nøkkelord Aligment
Simuleringar Alfanedbryting, Balancing Act (HTML5), Balancing Chemical Equations (HTML5), Nullstill ballonger (HTML5), Bøying av lys (HTML5), Betanedbryting, Sortlegemjespekter (HTML5), Build a Molecule (HTML5), Build a Nucleus (HTML5), Bygg eit atom (HTML5), Buoyancy, Charges and Fields (HTML5), Collision Lab (HTML5), Color Vision (HTML5), Concentration (HTML5), Coulomb's Law (HTML5), Curve Fitting (HTML5), Davisson-Germer: Electron Diffraction, Density (HTML5), Electric Field Hockey, Energiformer og overgangar (HTML5), Energi i skateparken (HTML5), Energi i skateparken (HTML5), Faraday's Electromagnetic Lab, Faraday's Law (HTML5), Fluidtrykk og gjennomstrøyming, Forces and Motion, Forces and Motion: Basics (HTML5), Friction (HTML5), Gas Properties (HTML5), Gases Intro (HTML5), Genuttrykk (HTML5), Generator, Glaciers, Gravity and Orbits (HTML5), Tyngdekraft (HTML5), Gravity Force Lab: Basics (HTML5), The Greenhouse Effect, Isotopes and Atomic Mass (HTML5), John Travoltage (HTML5), Magnets and Electromagnets, Masses and Springs (HTML5), Microwaves, Molekylformer (HTML5), Molecule Shapes: Basics (HTML5), Molekyl og lys (HTML5), My Solar System, Naturleg utval (HTML5), Naturleg utval, Fisjon, Ohms lov (HTML5), Pendelforsøk (HTML5), pH-skala – grunnleggjande (HTML5), Photoelectric Effect, Plate Tectonics, Plinko Probability (HTML5), Radio Waves & Electromagnetic Fields, Spel om radioaktiv tidfesting, Reactants, Products and Leftovers (HTML5), Reactions & Rates, Salts & Solubility, Aggregattilstandar (HTML5), Aggregattilstandar (HTML5), Sugar and Salt Solutions, The Ramp, Under Pressure (HTML5), Bølgjeinterferens (HTML5), Bølgje på ein tråd (HTML5), Bølger - innleing (HTML5)

Forfattarar Trish Loeblein updated by Diana López
Skule / Organisasjon PhET
Lasta opp 08.10.15
Oppdatert 21.09.23