Gravity Force Lab PreAP using HTML5 Sim Een gouden ster duidt op activiteiten van hoge kwaliteit gesteund op onderzoek die de PhET ontwerp gidslijnen volgen.

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Titel Gravity Force Lab PreAP using HTML5 Sim
Beschrijving This lesson is intended for a PreAP Physics course but could now be used for AP Physics 1. Students begin by watching a short TED talk clip on Gravity. The students then complete two investigations using the simulation. In Part 1, students qualitatively explore what the force of gravity depends on. In Part 2, students develop their own procedures and collect data using the simulation to determine the value for the Universal Gravitational Constant G. Students can use Excel, as the lesson states, Google Sheets or a graphing calculator to graph their collected data from the sim, find a best-fit line and determine the value for G from their data.
Onderwerp Fysica
Niveau Hoger secundair onderwijs
Type Labo
Duur 90 minuten
Antwoorden inbegrepen Neen
Taal Engels
Sleutelwoorden Gravity, force
Simulatie(s) Gravitatiekracht lab (HTML5)

Auteur(s) Elyse Zimmer
School Educator
Datum waarop ingediend 18-8-15
Datum waarop aangepast 20-8-15