Basics of Electricity

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Sernav Basics of Electricity
Danasîn This activity can be blended with online research for students of middle school/ high school to get basic grasp over concepts including current, voltage, resistance, dc circuit making, Ohm's law, lamps
Mijar Fîzîk
Ast Dibistana Amadeyî, Dibistana Nîvendî, Zanîngeh - Destpêk
Cure Spartek
Dem 90 xulek
Bersîvan Dihewîne Na
Ziman Îngilizî
Peyvên Girîng combination of cells, combination of resistances, current, lamps, ohm's law, resistance, voltage
Şêwekar Circuit Construction Kit: DC (HTML5), Amûra Avakirina Gêjenê (Tenê DC), Çêkirna kit çerx :DC _lêkolînxane  virtual  (HTML5)

Nivîskar Rahul Gupta
Dibistan / Organîzasyon Sinarmas World Academy
Şandin 8/22/23
Rojanekirin 8/22/23