NGSS Simulation Alignment/Correlation

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Sernav NGSS Simulation Alignment/Correlation
Danasîn This is a draft correlation of all PHeT sims that were posted in May, 2014 to the NGSS Performance Expectations (PE's) and or the K-12 Framework for Science Education Disciplinary Core Ideas (DCI's) If your would like to suggest changes or additions, please email me your ideas to [email protected]. Thanks and enjoy!
Mijar Yên din
Ast Dibistana Amadeyî, Dibistana Nîvendî, K-5, Zanîngeh - Destpêk
Cure Pêşkêşî, Yên din
Bersîvan Dihewîne Na
Ziman Îngilizî
Peyvên Girîng Concepts, Core, Crosscutting, Disciplinary, Framework, Ideas, K-12, NGSS, Science
Şêwekar Gîraveyên Asîd-Baz, Build an Atom, Concentration, Parka Xijxijka Wize: Bingeh, Fractions Intro, Graphing Lines, The Greenhouse Effect, Natural Selection, پلێته‌ ته‌كتۆنيه‌كان , Salts & Solubility

Nivîskar Matthew Huffine
Dibistan / Organîzasyon Lewis Center for Educational Research
Şandin 5/29/14
Rojanekirin 3/20/15