Molecule Shapes- inquiry A gold star indicates high-quality, inquiry-based activities that follow the PhET design guidelines.

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Sernav Molecule Shapes- inquiry
Danasîn This was used in class or as homework depending on the schedule. Learning Goals: Students will be able to: •Identify substances to which “Molecular geometry” applies. •Name molecule and electron geometries for basic molecules. •Explain the model being used to predict molecule geometry. •Predict common molecular geometry from the number of electron pairs and bonded atoms around a central atom of basic compounds
Mijar Kîmya
Ast Dibistana Amadeyî, Zanîngeh - Destpêk
Cure Ezmûngeh, Pirsên Têgîn, Spartek
Bersîvan Dihewîne Na
Ziman Îngilizî
Peyvên Girîng bonding, covalent, ionic, lewis, linear. bent, lone pairs, molecules, nomenclature, phet, tetrahedral
Şêwekar Molecule Shapes (HTML5), Molecule Shapes

Nivîskar Trish Loeblein
Dibistan / Organîzasyon PhET
Şandin 10/23/11
Rojanekirin 5/27/15