Describing Location and Movement A gold star indicates high-quality, inquiry-based activities that follow the PhET design guidelines.

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題名 Describing Location and Movement
内容 This activity directly addresses core mathematics and science ideas in elementary education. However, the concept of distance versus displacement must often be introduced/reintroduced in middle and high school in advance of the study of motion in order to build up the concept of vectors, which undergirds both advanced mathematics and science.
課題 物理学
レベル 中学校, 高等学校
タイプ Guided Activity, Remote Learning, 実験教室
所要時間 60 分
解答を含む いいえ
言語 英語
キーワード displacement, distance, position
シミュレーション 数直線:距離 (HTML5)

著者 Rebecca Vieyra
学校 / 団体 PhET Interactive Simulations
送信日 21/12/15
更新日 22/06/07