Light Emission and Lasers

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題名 Light Emission and Lasers
内容 This in-class work (ICW) is used in a university non-math "How Things Work" course (replacing the lecture). It is designed to accompany section 14.3 in Bloomfield's text (3rd ed). It uses the "Models of the Hydrogen Atom" and "Lasers" simulations. Note: I really preferred the older edition of the Lasers simulation for this activity... if anyone has it, I'd love to get a copy! I liked the representation of IR photons better because they looked more "invisible", and I think the settings were nicer to get clear cases of spontaneous and stimulated emission effects as dependent on light intensity and state lifetime. Contact me for solutions (or if you have a copy of the old sim!).
課題 物理学
レベル 学部課程 - 基礎, 高等学校
タイプ その他, 実験教室
所要時間 90 分
解答を含む いいえ
言語 英語
キーワード absorption, emission, lifetime of states, sponataneous absorption, stimulated emission
シミュレーション 水素原子モデル。, レーザーlasers

著者 Debra Krause Dandaneau
学校 / 団体 University of Tennessee
送信日 09/04/17
更新日 09/04/17