PhET Density Lab

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Titolo PhET Density Lab
Descrizione This lab helps drive home the point of "density is mass divided by volume." It shows students what happens when they change volume but keep mass constant, when they change mass but keep volume constant, and when they change both of them. It also introduces them to the Archimedes method of finding the volume and density of an object.
Disciplina Fisica
Livello Scuola superiore
Tipo Lab
Durata 90 minuti
Risposte incluse Si
Lingua Inglese
Parole chiave density, gravity, liquid, mass, volume, weight
Simulazioni Densità (HTML5)

Autori Shawn Kirby, Brenda Perna
Scuola / Organizzazione Palm Springs High School
Proposto il 10/03/22
Aggiornato il 10/03/22