Terms of Use and Privacy Policy for PhET’s collection of HTML Simulations
(Version 2)
University of Colorado Boulder
This PhET Software Agreement (“Agreement”) pertains to the collection of HTML simulations developed by the PhET Interactive Simulations Project at the University of Colorado Boulder (“PhET”). PhET offers five different software licensing options, which are detailed in Section II(A), II(B), II(C), II(D) and II(E) below, to the users of its HTML simulations.
This Agreement and the licenses specified below do not permit the licensing of PhET’s Java or Flash simulations. Information regarding PhET’s Java or Flash simulations is available at https://phet.colorado.edu.
A. PhET Regular HTML Simulation File: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
“PhET Regular HTML Simulation File” means an individual minified HTML simulation file where PhET HTML Simulation Source Code (PhET HTML Simulation Source Code is defined below) assets and PhET HTML Common Source Code (PhET HTML Common Source Code is defined below) assets are combined into a single, minified HTML file that can be run in a browser, or downloaded and launched, without any other requirements.
PhET licenses PhET Regular HTML Simulation Files individually under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License (“CC BY 4.0”). The full text of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license is available here: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/legalcode.
What does the CC BY 4.0 License mean?
PhET Regular HTML Simulation Files may be freely used and/or redistributed by third parties (e.g. students, educators, school districts, museums, publishers, vendors, etc.) for non-commercial or commercial purposes.
Any use of a PhET Regular HTML Simulation File under the CC BY 4.0 requires the following attribution: “PhET Interactive Simulations, University of Colorado Boulder, https://phet.colorado.edu.”
The CC-BY-4.0 license does not apply to the PhET name and PhET logo, which are trademarks of The Regents of the University of Colorado, a body corporate. See Section III below for additional information regarding how to use legally the PhET name and logo.
B. ‘PhET Interoperable HTML Simulation File’: Contact PhET for Licensing Information
“PhET Interoperable HTML Simulation File” means an individual minified HTML simulation file where PhET HTML Simulation Source Code assets, PhET HTML Common Source Code assets, and PhET Interoperable HTML Source Code (PhET Interoperable HTML Source Code is defined below) assets are combined into a single, minified HTML file. PhET Interoperable HTML Simulation Files provide additional capabilities not included in PhET Regular HTML Simulation Files. Additional capabilities include, by way of example, an application programming interface (API) or back-end data capabilities.
PhET Interoperable HTML Simulation Files are licensed through individual agreements. ANY USE OF PHET INTEROPERABLE HTML SIMULATION FILES IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED WITHOUT A LICENSE. Please contact [email protected] to inquire about licensing.
C. ‘PhET HTML Simulation Source Code’: GNU General Public License Version 3
“PhET HTML Simulation Source Code” is the collection of original simulation specific assets used by a PhET simulation, including but not limited to source code (JavaScript/HTML/CSS), images, audio and text.
PhET licenses PhET HTML Simulation Source Code under the GNU General Public License Version 3 (“GPLv3”). The full text of the GPLv3 is available here: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html.
The simulation-specific PhET HTML Simulation Source Code repositories can be accessed at https://github.com/phetsims. The license file within the specific PhET HTML Simulation Source Code repository specifies whether it is available under the GPLv3.
What does the GPLv3 mean?
The simulation-specific source code for each PhET HTML Simulation Source Code is available for use and/or modification. Anyone may access to the source code and make modifications. If a user makes any changes whatsoever to the source code of the software, then the changes must be made publicly available by the party that makes the changes.
D. ‘PhET HTML Common Source Code’: MIT License
“PhET HTML Simulation Source Code” is a collection of original common libraries and tools developed by PhET, including but not limited to source code (JavaScript/HTML/CSS), images, audio and text.
PhET licenses PhET HTML Simulation Source Code under the MIT License. The full text of the MIT License is available here: https://opensource.org/license/mit/.
PhET HTML Common Source Code can be accessed at https://github.com/phetsims. The license file within the specific PhET HTML Common Source Code repository specifies whether it is available under the MIT License.
What does using the MIT License mean?
The common source code libraries for PhET HTML Common Source Code are available for use and/or modification. Anyone may access the source code and make modifications. The copyright and permission notice must be included in all copies or copies of substantial portions of the Software.
E. ‘PhET Interoperable HTML Source Code’
“PhET Interoperable HTML Source Code” is a collection of assets developed by PhET that are used in PhET Interoperable HTML Simulation Files, including but not limited to source code (JavaScript/HTML/CSS), images, audio and text.
This code is not offered through any open source license. PhET Interoperable HTML Source Code may be licensed through individual agreements. Please contact [email protected] to inquire about licensing.
PhET Interoperable HTML Source Code obtained under license contains a license file within the source code repository specifying “Copyright [Insert Current Year], The Regents of the University of Colorado, a body corporate. Created by PhET Interactive Simulations, University of Colorado Boulder. Any use of the PhET Interoperable HTML Source Code is strictly prohibited without a license.”
F. Donations
PhET requires ongoing donations, sponsorships and grant funding in order to support the project, continue the development of new simulations, and maintain existing simulations.
Commercial users are highly encouraged to support the project and its mission with a tax-deductible donation to PhET. For more information, email [email protected] or visit https://phet.colorado.edu/en/donate.
G. Third Party Software Credits
PhET simulations use third-party software. A complete list of third-party libraries used, the developers, and the associated licenses is listed at the top of each “PhET Regular HTML Simulation File”, using the browser’s view source tool.
H. Alternative License Options
Permissions beyond the scope of these licenses, including licensing for PhET Enhanced HTML Simulation Files or source code assets not identified as openly-licensed in their license files, may be available upon request. Please contact us at phethelp@colorado.
The PhET name and PhET logo are registered trademarks of The Regents of the University of Colorado, a body corporate. Permission is granted to use the PhET name and PhET logo only for attribution purposes. Use of the PhET name and/or PhET logo for promotional, marketing, or advertising purposes requires a separate license agreement from the University of Colorado. Contact phethelp@colorado to discuss trademark licensing options.
The University of Colorado and the PhET Interactive Simulations Project support the protection of individual privacy and ensuring the confidentiality of information provided by its employees, students, visitors, and resource users. Our full privacy policy can be found here.
This software and the information contained therein is provided as a public service, with the understanding that neither the University of Colorado nor PhET makes any warranties, either express or implied, concerning the accuracy, completeness, reliability, or suitability of this software and information.
By using this software, you assume all risks associated with such use, including but not limited to the risk of any damage to your computer, software, or data. In no event shall the University or PhET be liable for any direct, indirect, punitive, special, incidental, or consequential damages (including, without limitation, lost revenues or profits or lost or damaged data) arising from the user’s use of this software.
Neither the University nor PhET are a law firm and do not provide legal services or legal advice. Using the simulations under the licensing options in this agreement does not create a lawyer-client or other relationship. Any information provided to the user regarding the licensing options is intended to provide general guidance to the user. If the user requires legal assistance, the user should contact a law firm or a lawyer.
Please send comments, questions, or concerns regarding this software agreement to phethelp@colorado. Please do not send attachments with the message.