The "Lifelike" Moving Man: Variation in motion graphs

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Cím The "Lifelike" Moving Man: Variation in motion graphs
Leírás This lesson was designed to help students interpret motion graphs from motion detector data (with more variation and error than the "ideal" graphs they had been analyzing). Learning goal: Students will be able to identify the following types of motion -- constant nonzero velocity, constant acceleration, not moving -- from graphs that are not smooth. This lesson will come at the end of the kinematics unit, so they should already be able to interpret smooth, error-free motion graphs.
Tárgy Fizika
Szint Középiskola emelt
Típus Labor
Időigény 30 perc
Válaszokkal Nem
Nyelv Angol
Kulcsszavak Graphing
Szimulációk Mozgó ember

Szerző(k) Karen King
Iskola / Szervezet Denver School of Science and Technology
Közreadás 2006.08.07.
Frissítés 2015.04.28.