projectile motion worksheet

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Title projectile motion worksheet
Description A lab worksheet about projectile motion, depending on 3 objectives 1. To show that the time of flight of a horizontal projectile is independent of its initial speed.2. To verify that the horizontal component of the velocity (vx) of the projectile is constant during its motion. 3.To study the relationship between the angle of the projectile and its angle. ii- To find the acceleration of gravity gexp
Subject Physics
Level High School, Undergrad - Advanced, Undergrad - Intro
Type Homework, Lab, Multiple-Choice Concept Questions, Remote Learning
Duration 120 minutes
Answers Included No
Language Engleski
Keywords acceleration, free fall, motion, projectile motion, range, speed, time, velocity
Simulation(s) Gibanje projektila (HTML5), Gibanje projektila

Author(s) Lara Bayan Ahmad
School / Organization University of Sharjah
Date submitted 2021.04.01
Date updated 2021.04.01