Bose-Einstein Condensation Lesson

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Title Bose-Einstein Condensation Lesson
Description This is a lecture on the physics of Bose-Einstein Condensation, as written by Carl Wieman. The simulations found in the lesson can be accessed at rather than at PhET. Lesson topics include the current physics known, the uses, and what remains to be probed in the future. Please email [email protected] if you are a teacher and would like a solution key.
Subject Physics
Level High School, Undergrad - Advanced, Undergrad - Intro
Type Demonstration
Answers Included No
Language Engleski
Keywords bose, bose-einstein, cold, condensation, einstein, kelvin, phet activity
Simulation(s) Laseri

Author(s) Carl Wieman, Kathy Perkins
School / Organization University of Colorado
Date submitted 2008.05.16
Date updated 2018.06.01