Gas Properties-Inquiry Middle School A gold star indicates high-quality, inquiry-based activities that follow the PhET design guidelines.

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عنوان Gas Properties-Inquiry Middle School
شرح This was written by the PhET team as a guided-inquiry activity for Middle School. Learning objectives: •Students will be able to describe and draw what air looks like at a microscopic level. •Students will be able to explain how air applies pressure and predict how various changes affect the pressure.
موضوع شیمی، علوم زمین، فیزیک
سطح راهنمایی
نوع آزمایشگاه، پرسش های مفهومی
پاسخ ها شامل خیر
زبان انگلیسی
کلید واژه gas، gold star، inquiry، molecule، phet
شبیه سازی ها ویژگی های گاز

نویسنده PhET Middle School Team
مدرسه / سازمان PhET University of Colorado Boulder
ارسال شده 8/2/11
بروزرسانی شده 8/2/11