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Izenburua Organize it!
Deskribapena The purpose of this activity is to provide students with the opportunity to practice principles of counting and cardinality. One aspect of counting in the learning trajectory is the ability to maintain one-to-one correspondence when objects are not presented in an organized manner. This exercise provides students a space to develop strategies for arranging objects so that they are easier for students to count. This activity also allows for the reinforcement of the conservation of cardinality. As students rearrange the objects, they may notice that moving objects in the simulation does not result in a change of the amount of objects.
Gaia Matematika
Maila K-5 (10 urte)
Mota Gidatutako jarduera
Iraupena 30 minutes
Erantzunak barne Ez
Hizkuntza Ingelesa
Gako-hitzak cardinality, organize, ten frame
Simulazioa(k) Zenbaki jolasa (HTML5)

Autorea(k) Domonique Caro-Rora, Azar Kamaldar, Ian Whitacre
Eskola / Erakundea Florida State University
Bidaltze-data 9/11/23
Eguneratze-data 6/24/24