Introduction to Vectors

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Pealkiri Introduction to Vectors
Kirjeldus This activity is designed to be used by students who are not already familiar with vectors. I used it as a precursor to the graphic method os adding vectors and the mathematical method of adding vectors. I found that the students were much more compotent with visualizing what these vectors were and how they worked than in the past when the simulation was not used.
Õppeaine Füüsika, Matemaatika
Tase Keskkool
Tüüp Praktikum
Kestus 30 minutit
Koos vastustega Ei
Keel inglise
Võtmesõnad Vectors
Simulatsioonid Vektori lisamine

Autorid Katherine Frett
Kool / Organisatsioon Green Mountain High School
Sisestatud 29.09.06
Uuendatud 29.09.06