The Two-Slit Experiment

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Título The Two-Slit Experiment
Descripción This is a interactive lecture demonstration that focuses on the conflict between the wave and particle models in physics as brought out by the two-slit experiment. It uses electrons not light because the conflict is more striking with electrons. It is designed to have the students actively involved throughout. It includes links to some real experiments involving electrons and buckminsterfullerene molecules. The student file contains a four-page worksheet to be used during the lecture and finished as home work. The teacher file contains answers and detailed instructions.
Asignatura Física
Nivel Educación secundaria
Tipo Demostración, Preguntas sobre los conceptos, Tarea
Duración 60 minutos
Respuestas incluidas
Idioma Inglés
Palabras clave electron interference, probability, quantum mechanics
Simulacion(es) Interferencia de Onda Cuántica

Autor(es) Roberta Tevlin
Colegio / Organización Toronto District School Board
Enviado 19/05/08
Actualizado 19/05/08